Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Hi! This is my first personalized map. Well, I never tried using Google Maps before but I found it quite easy to use-due to the detailed instructions:) Of all the places I had visited, I found Hokkaido the most enriching. There, we got to see historical places and got close to wildlife. The food was also fantastic. We got to grill our own food(mostly seafood), and it was FUN! However, I found the baked potato the best food there. Creamy, fluffy,warm... I would not have to say more. St John Island was one of the "rural" parts of Singapore. Though the mattress was as thin as a paper and there was insects floating in the toilet bowls, I throughly enjoyed the trip and I will never regret going there. I learnt that life was not all about the daily comforts we have at home, computers and work. I discovered the other part of this world, while trekking through the wilderness of the forest. As my friends and I cuddled together at night, I truly felt the comforting warmth of friendship. It was a trip, that I would never forget...
P.S. I am going to Taiwan tomorrow!
View Travel Map in a larger map

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the memorable moments you have in the various places.

    Perhaps you could edit this post so that each short paragraph talks about a country that you visited?

