Sunday, January 24, 2010

Prime Factorisation (continues...)

2^4 X 3^5 X 7^2 X 11=2X2X2X2X3X3X3X3X3X7X7X11=2095632
Since the number ends with an even number, it should be divisable by 2.
First,I would divide in by 2. The answer would be 1047816.
1047816 would be a factor which is greater than 100.
It can also be divided by 4.
It can also be divided by 6.
The final answer-1047816,523908,349272.

2 X 3^2 X 7^3 X 13=80262
3 X 7^2 X 13^3 X 17=5490303
The HCF of this two numbers is 1911.
From the working, I can find out that 7 and 13 are also common factors.
The final answer is-1911,7,13.

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